Hello February! Comment 1111NOW on my Instagram or Facebook for luck. After January’s burst of action, we have an 11/2 month of spiritual partnerships, intuitive growth and radical communication. Video with extra tips coming soon.
February is the 2nd month of this 9 Universal Year of Conclusions and comes after the Chinese New Year of the Wood Snake. Letting go and staying whole hearted is all we can do in times like these. Forces greater than us are at play!
Relationships: 11 is an equals sign in motion, surround yourself with people who respect your dark and light, not takers.
Work: 11 is fantastic for promotion, networking and sharing ideas with future makers. Don’t be shy, change the world.
Spirit: 11 is the vibration of ‘psychic’, ‘spirits’ and ‘healing’. Go deeply into your practices, shifts can happen near-instantly.
Tarot: 9 is The Hermit while 11 is (Lady) Justice. 911 is also a global healers code. Read more
Who’s in the spotlight? Those with 11 or 2 life paths/ numerology or who see 1111 and 222 (sacral chakra code) are in demand. I call 11s ‘don’t shoot the Spiritual Messengers’. Find your life path
Dates: 4th Jupiter direct, 12th Full moon (harvest time/ bring things to fruition), 14th Valentine’s, 23/24th Mars direct, 27/28th New moon (plant seeds/ ideas).
Keen to meet? See links below.
Sat 15 February 2025 – I’m teaching numerology in Patreon, members receive 55+ replays and psychic readings offers.
Sat 1 March – Please join my FIRST Conscious Life Festival talk in years. I’d love to catch up with you on the Sunshine Coast. Includes a readings demo.
Sat 15 March – Secrets of 3 life paths in Patreon.
Cheers, Sarah and the 11:11 Angels
P.s. Your 2025 Numerology Forecast is finally out. Enjoy 6+ hours of insights (numerology, astrology, Tarot and more). Includes a 12 month guide, life path predictions and personal years templates for $110. Use coupon code LOVE1111 for 25% off the RRP of $110 in February! Buy now
Enter our forecast survey by 2 March to go in a draw to win a reading with me!
I recorded the final call today, so it’s freshly made x
Contributors include:
Tiarnie Vidler astrology goddess
Caroline Byrd my beloved mentor
Vicki Haspels Tarot Angel – I highly recommend her psychic readings
Deniz Akan Galactic healer
#2lifepath #11lifepath #numerology #forecast #thenumbersqueen #sarahyip