Feb 2021 Numerology. Comment 555 on Facebook if you like this post! We are in a 5 Universal year, 7 Universal month. 2021 is about Radical Truth and Freedom, I also call it the Year of Weird (!) The combination of 5 and 7 creates abrupt awakenings, spiritual lessons and questioning of what you have always accepted.
It’s a great time for detoxing (e.g febfast), pruning expenses, learning about your Soul history, meditation and healing, especially with Mercury in retrograde until 19/20 Feb. Expect interrupted sleep (my Peaceful Sleep meditation can help), vivid dreams, ghosts and people from your past coming in to remind you that it’s okay to forgive and forget.
7 looks like a cliff. It’s about taking leaps of faith (hope) vs jumping to conclusions (self-sabotage). February 2021 opens our Crown (7th) chakras, inviting us to feel holy or whole-y enough and to respect ourselves like Kings, Queens and Angels.
Give yourself permission to experiment. Think less, dance more. Confidence comes from experience, not before it. It took me ~ 2000 readings before I considered myself psychic, due to my science background. Yet I kept going because I knew I’d found something special, especially after meeting my husband Kris and great friends on the job.
Dec 2020 was also a 7 Universal month so you may feel like it’s been a reflective start to the year. 7 is the Chariot in Tarot and the Spiritual Teacher in numerology. It’s about overcoming paranoia and loneliness to find Higher Self oneness.
Btw, the 11:11/ Aquarian stellium is huge in February and similar to 1961-1962’s energies (which was also the last year of the Metal Ox in Chinese astrology). So we’re being asked to work smarter, create sustainable teams and act on our futuristic ideas to help humanity.
Key dates: Chinese NY/ New Moon (11/12th), Valentine’s Day (14th), Full Moon (27th)
Want to know more? See Your 2021 Numerology forecast webinar (a 4 hour video + notes + month-by-month tips + 11 meditations). We also cover Tarot and palmistry tips. You won’t find this combo anywhere else. Use code 1111TRUTH for $11 off the $66 package until Chinese New Year (12 Feb)
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