December 2020 Numerology Forecast

December 2020 Numerology Forecast for you. We are in a 7 Universal month in a 4 Universal year. This inspires leaps of faith (crown chakra opening/ Soul lift off) and heart chakra healing (compassion).

7 looks like a cliff you jump off to learn how to fly. The crown chakra (at the top of our head) is the end of our body and start of our greater energy field. 7 lifepaths are teachers, who guide through life knowledge rather than theory. They want us to think ‘7 generations ahead’ instead of going for the easy wins. They see quiet time and study as an investment in success and find healing in nature’s rhythms.

When our crown chakra is healthy, we treat ourselves like Angels in human form – capable of miracles, so long as we work with Spirit and honour our bodies. We become the Queens and Kings of our lives, not allowing anyone to mess with our heads. We protect our energy. Only the best of the best are allowed in.

Tip: Dec is the 12th month. 12/3 is about art, sensuality and family. 2020 gave us a chance to review where we are reactors vs creators (note: same letters, different results). March was also a 3 month. Reflect on what ‘baby ideas’ you had back then, because they wish to be birthed soon!

21.12.2020 is a massive shift point in astrology and numerology. Celebrate this Solstice because it’s going to be one to remember. Many secrets will come out.

Feeling scared? Get moving. Scared is an anagram of sacred. It’s what happens when we control our feelings instead of expressing them. Find a safe space to let go – talk to a friend, a healer, a tree, your diary…saying and seeing your thoughts takes away their power, especially if you cross them out, draw over them or even turn them into a funny rap song.

2021 is coming and it’s going to feel like the aliens have landed. You’ll be upgrading so many beliefs and structures, this is the year to embrace being forever young and free, no matter what captivity your ego perceives.

I’ll be talking about this 5 Universal Year of Risk, Change and Freedom in my forecast on 3 Jan, see below.

Click above to join my 2021 numerology forecast webinar. Use coupon code EARLYBIRD2021 for $11 off the $77 package! The package includes a 2.4 hour live call, video replay, notes, lifepath-specific meditations and more.

Take care and I look forwards to your comments on the Facebook post.

Join my weekly Facebook lives on The Numbers Queen each Wednesday at 6pm AEST. Include a Tarot forecast and Q&A on psychic topics. Browse my weekly forecast videos and monthly written forecasts.

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NEW (Dec 2020) Click on the heart to buy this transformative class. Create immediate, radical shifts in your physical and energetic fields. Attract money like water using ethical principles, daily techniques and active meditations. Gain tools to advance yourself into new positions of spiritual leadership. Why learn from me? I’m a scientist turned spiritual teacher. I went from government, U.N. and fundraising (where I co-raised millions of dollars) to psychic readings, after experiencing the 11:11 prompts and near-death crises.  As a numerologist, I have made over $500K and I care passionately about people knowing the secrets to prosperity and Soul-level healing techniques.  

Special offer! The $99 (was $110) package includes a 3.5 hour video replay and 75 pages of notes. Essential watching if you see the 11:11 prompts and want multiple sources of income. Use Coupon CHANGEFORGOOD11 for $11 off until 31 December 2020.

Related Links
Find your lifepath
Empaths versus Psychopaths and How to Just Be The Path! (Empathy has a 7 numerology, the same as Mother, Flower and Teachers).
12:12 Numerology – You’re Through The 11:11 Portal!
21.12.2012 Numerology – When Black Becomes White

Want to learn numerology? Check out my 11:11 Patreon groupclasses and meditations.

Connect with us
Seeing repeating numbers or at a turning point? Book a reading series with me. Around your birthday is ideal, as that’s when you change personal years.

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