Healthy people are naturally psychic, because they listen to themselves and their bodies. You are what you eat. Fresh food equals fresh ideas, and a good diet is vital when, (like me), your business depends on intuition and being on ‘spiritual call’ 24/7.
Apart from meditation, the best way to skyrocket your psychic ability is to improve your diet, exercise, sleep and hydration (read about water and your Third Eye).
On that note…New Moons are a great time for beginnings, so I’ve spent the afternoon learning organic cooking in Brisbane with Jasmine Louise Norton, the Lorna Jane Active Chef.
Jasmine is a whip-smart 34/7 Lifepath Spiritual Teacher and a long-term friend of mine. Find Your Lifepath
We met through my palmistry workshops, and I love her inspirational recipes on Move Nourish Believe. As the Lorna Jane Active Chef, Jasmine is one of the happiest, most talented food coaches I know. I’ve read for Lorna Jane Clarkson and love her passion (she’s a 28/10/1 lifepath Pioneer in numerology). She has great taste, literally.
Many of you know I overcame an eating issue (Anorexia/ orthorexia) this year, in order to fall pregnant (read my post on when you will have a baby). I booked Jasmine to help me plan for motherhood, as I’ll be super busy in a couple of months, juggling baby, psychic readings, this blog and wedding plans (Update – here’s my eco-wedding post!)
Here’s what Jasmine covered in her organic cooking class:
-We talked through my food needs (I kept a meal for a week), and how I eat well, but not regularly, which leads to mood swings.
-Jasmine went through 4-6 recipes with me, and cooked them in my kitchen. She brought all the ingredients, pots, pans, and even her Thermomix, and dachshund puppy Jackson for company. I learn by doing, so it was extremely helpful to watch Jasmine make the dishes from scratch.
Healing Chicken Soup with Asian Flavours, Chicken, Leek, Thyme and Pinenut Pie, Oven-baked Seed Crackers with sesame, chia, linseeds, pepitas and almond meal, and Coconut Cashew Yoghurt with Vanilla (made with fresh young coconuts – heavenly.) We didn’t have time to make Jasmine’s famous Salted Caramel Pecan and Sweet Potato Pie, or Cauliflower Pizza base, but I’m going to try the recipes soon.
I loved Jasmine’s class, and feasting on the finished products. I now have a fridge full of leftovers to keep me going for days.
Here’s what I learned and confirmed about healthy eating:
-It’s ok to freeze food. It’s much better to reheat a nutritious meal than to eat toast or fruit as I’m prone to doing.
-Some people feel better eating meat (preferably organic). I have experimented with vegan, vegetarian and no red meat diets and they don’t work for me in the long term. Maybe it’s my blood type (I’m an O+, some people say we need high protein, low carb lifestyles – apparently A’s are ok to be vegetarian), or because I was raised Chinese style, on rice and stirfries.
In Ayurvedic medicine, I’m a Pitta-Vata type, so warming food suits me rather than salads, juices or fasting. My medical recovery plan from orthorexia required me to return to meat and seafood and I noticed an improvement in wellbeing straight after the change.
Once I fell pregnant with Forrest Bump (my son’s nickname) I also craved meat, especially in the first few weeks. So I followed my instincts and, 30 weeks later, Forrest and I are in great shape.
-Eating fresh food beats swallowing handfuls of supplements. I used to buy vitamins rather than food, in the mistaken notion that I had to get my nutrition from pills, because I couldn’t trust food. Unfortunately, my blood tests showed I didn’t absorb a lot of these supplements because my gut wasn’t in good shape. It’s only since I’ve gone onto probiotic foods and broths etc. that I’ve felt better.
For the past few years, I have been dairy and gluten-free (blood tests show I am intolerant). I hope to regain my ability to eat these foods over the next couple of years. Jasmine used to have similar issues digesting gluten, but after following a healthy lifestyle, she can eat it again without fear or discomfort.
I’m so grateful to Jasmine for her time and wisdom – there’s nothing as comforting as nourishing food eaten in good company.
Jasmine has given talks at health resorts and trained with Jude Blereau (Whole Food Cooking). She really knows her stuff. Check out her mouthwatering recipes (like this raw vegan Snickers Cake) and health articles at Move Nourish Believe.
To contact Jasmine for at-home or group cooking classes and food coaching, phone or text her on 0413 059 712.
Recommended Links
My cousin Anthea Cheng is a 34/7, here is her amazing vegan website Rainbow Nourishments
The Spiritual Meaning of 9 Common Diseases (includes my take on gluten and dairy intolerances)
Spray Free Farmacy – organic fruit and vegetable delivery in Brisbane
Montville Mist Springwater – our favourite water, see my post on your Third Eye
Connect with us
Seeing repeating numbers or at a life turning point? Book a psychic reading series with me. Around your birthday is ideal, as that’s when you change personal years. If you’d prefer a shorter reading, please see Kris Anderson, my amazing husband. We also read together for a unique 360 degree perspective on your life’s journey and way forward.
You can also check out my events, including palmistry and numerology
workshops. I also have many recorded classes and meditations.
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