Love 1111. Just did my 1111th post on Instagram! Thank you for inspiring me to write (right) history through storytelling and truths.
Here’s something I’ve never shared. While I was labouring with Ziggy in bed not long ago, I held onto this carnelian heart for pain relief. I dropped it during a strong contraction (or expansion, depending on your focus). To my despair, it fell out of reach. I thought ‘if only I could get it back’…
Seconds later, Charlie our 3yo came in, picked up the crystal in the dark without a second glance and put it in my hand. He was just in time for the next wave. I was so grateful, I could have cried.
Charlie is a 21/3 lifepath Artist and Angel baby. He has Silk / psychic skin plus the St Andrews Cross in palmistry for saving lives.
1111 means that help is always at hand. Your thoughts travel for miles, through space and time. We are all radio towers broadcasting and receiving hope or fear.
May you be (the) Well today. 1111 activates the higher heart chakra – our Holy Grail point – the frequency of eternal life and Soul legacy. This moment exists both now and in all dimensions. Use it wisely xx
P.S. thank you Deniz Akan from Dimensional Healing for everything. See our Crystal Healing for 11:11 Starseeds webinar for amazing insights.
P.p.s. Photo shows Charlie and me holding hands and hearts
#love1111 #1111 #multidimensionalbeing#broadcasthope#carnelian#crystalhealing#psychickids#consciousparenting#numerology#thenumbersqueen#sarahyip